Wednesday, 5 August 2009

‘Doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson – a danger to all.

Please see the a later post about the details of my complaint against 'doctor' Ferdinand Jonsson.

This is a quick post to show that this blog is very much alive. I’m busy on another project at the moment.

This blog is getting a little bit of traffic; which is very surprising considering the lack of marketing that I have done. However, I have studied the traffic and have concluded that it is mainly the police and health authorities keeping a track of what I am saying in the hope that they can find something they can use to lock me up again.

Today I spotted someone (IP: coming from Google with the search term ‘Ferdinand Jonsson”. This is the ‘doctor’at Mile End Hospital that was responsible for keeping me locked up for five months until a tribunal saw through his lies and ordered my discharge. I shall have a very detailed post on this evil man later. If you, or one of your relatives, have the grave misfortune to have him as a consultant then request to have another one as soon as you can. He is an extremely dangerous man. He should never be trusted. This totally corrupt, incompetent, lying bastard should not be at liberty, and definitely should not be allowed to practice medicine, or to have the honorific ‘Doctor’.

Update (07 Sep 09): This post is the post popular one on this blog. However, many of the visits are from the NHS (IP Address: One could almost say that they are fixated about it. It may be Jonsson ego browsing (which supports a diagnosis of him having grandiose delusions), or he could be checking to see what I am saying about him (which supports a diagnosis of paranoia). Alternatively, it could be fellow members of the NHS having a jolly good laugh at him.

If it is general NHS staff monitoring this blog then the good stuff is coming soon. I shall be naming names right up to the Chief Executive of the East London NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Robert Dolan, who refused my pleas for a meeting to discuss the abuse I was suffering at the hands of ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson. I suspect that Dolan, like many others, recognised that what Jonsson was doing was seriously wrong, but were desperate to avoid any association with the case. It won’t work.

Update 09 Jun 2010: Would you believe that the NHS keep visiting this page! Guy's have a look at the rest of the blog; I say a lot worse! If you don't like what I say about Jonsson then put me on trial.