When I was held prisoner by ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson at Mile End Hospital on orders from the FTAC then justification used was that I was suffering from persistent delusional disorder. However, I was never able to get them to tell me what those delusions were. Actually, they never ever formally told me what their diagnosis was. I asked in several e-mails to management at the hospital for the following information: a) what belief that I had that they claimed to be a delusion, b) evidence that I held that ‘delusion’, and c) evidence that said belief was really was a delusion. Despite frequent requests, they would never tell me. In the absence of a formal list I shall take a few topics that I did talk about that I think that Jonsson and the others claimed as being my delusions.
One of the things that I did say that they had issue with, so I presume that they claim to be one of my delusions, was that they government was issuing large numbers of fraudulent work-permits in the IT sector that were displacing British workers. This was the root cause of my unemployment which led to my homelessness, bankruptcy, ill heath and everything else. The doctors claimed that none of this was happening and it was just a fantasy of mine. For holding this ‘delusion’ I should be locked up forever.
However, in the real world thing are vastly different. The Professional Contractors Group (PCG) has fought a battle (I believe incompetently) for years. They have a website dedicated to the issue of ICT abuse. The Association of Professional Staffing Companies frequently complains about it describing it as ‘crazy’. Even the Labour supporting BBC has done several programs reporting the issue. Belatedly the governments own Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) chaired by Professor David Metcalf agree that there was an issue, but only recommended a 10% cut in the numbers.
The problem remains and continues to get coverage. The Times published a piece entitled “Arrival of 30,000 migrant IT workers 'deprives Britons of jobs’” on the 5 January which generated over 200 comments. Many of them gave stories much like mine. One of the trade publications, Computer Weekly, has started a blog by another victim and contains all too familiar stories.
My point being that this is not a delusion or just happening to me. It is a very serious and wide spread issue that is causing massive damage to a large number of people. I have been destroyed by it and refused any help whatsoever despite me BEGGING people at all levels from the local DWP up to members of parliament and the specific ministers in control of the departments. All that got me was for the politicians to get the FTAC to detain me.
Jonsson just decreed all of my reports of these issues to be a delusion and instructed the other doctor and the social worker to agree to a Section 3 detention. This was a complete fraud. There were no genuine grounds for it. I was held as a political prisoner for the crime of wanting to work and objecting to have my livelihood stolen from me. Jonsson would never allow me to provide evidence of anything I said; everything was dismissed.
Just what am I supposed to do? My life has been destroyed; there is absolutely no chance of me ever recovering. I am condemned to living in squalor for the rest of my life. I will never work again, but I live in daily fear of someone in the DWP finding some excuse to take my benefits away. Last year I was seriously considering suicide, but that is just what they want. It will probably be what happens in the end (and I will welcome death), but I intend to make things difficult for as many people as I can before the end. It is such a waste that could have easily been avoided.
As always: All I ever wanted to do was to earn a living in peace.