Monday, 8 March 2010

I have returned!

Late last week and over the weekend I have been giving thought to resuming my campaign against the government and their instruments: the FTAC, police, East London NHS and especially ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson.

But firstly, I had an email from a Robert Jones from Wales this morning:

Dear Sirs/Madams of the FTAC watch,

Just the other day I was pulled in front of my psychiatrist and told that the FTAC had seen my YouTube videos on PorkupineTV and RobertAlexanderJones and that they considered them inappropriate and threatening.

In fact they have been hacked into the the police and cut down and voiced over in some places to make them less likely to crate a puturbance to Prince Charles' murder conspiracy.

As I was writing this to you a third party saved a copy to the draft folder without my instruction.

I have been signed out of my e-mail account from someone using my live messenger to impersonate me on previous occasions and of course if you have access to someone's e-mail you can get all their pass words and so hack everything they do.

So here is the stuff:-

Yours faithfully,
Robert Alexander Jones B.Eng

This is one of those cases where the involvement of the FTAC is legitimate. However, I have a bit of a suspicion that he is just a troll on the David Icke web forum. If he is the genuine article then ladies and gentlemen of the FTAC do your duty; you will get no objection from me.

Robert’s case is an example of why the FTAC was created. However, it is also the façade behind which the darker side of the FTAC operate.

I am willing to concede that the majority of the FTAC case work deals with the like of some nutter who claims that Prince Charles was in the car park of some pub in a dodgy village in the arse end Wales ordering that the spooks come and stab him. However, there is another side where people with legitimate grievances that have reached the end of their tether have been abducted from their homes and imprisoned without trial in mental wards with the doctors instructed to find something to hold them on, even if it is a lie.

Resumption of campaign

I previously gave up because I felt that I was getting nowhere and it was making me both mentally and physically ill. I received e-mails at the time urging me to continue and I every now and again I receive more.

Last night I decided to resume after I watch an episode of a Sci-fi show from a couple of years ago. The protagonist had been captured and was being tortured as part of his interrogation with a view to making him confess. I could identify with the treatment I received at the hand of ‘doctor’ Jonsson. I have never said that I was physically abused, but the treatment that I was subjected to was extremely degrading and I believe it was designed to ‘break’ me. In the TV show, there was one line that struck me. Our hero was presented with someone that had already been broken and was confessing. He was urging the broken prisoner to resist. “All you have to do is say, ‘No I won’t’, one more time than they say, ‘Yes, you will’”.

I here by give notice. I am saying, “No. I won’t”. There is another slogan from the TV series: “No retreat. No surrender”


  1. Hi, you're back. Yeah, people like Robert Jones and David Icke are everywhere. They're not mentally ill they're just varying degrees of weird. Like anybody else if they commit a crime they can be charged and convicted. But it goes for anyone you might come across. Don't accept just anyone who might seem to be an ally simply because they are "anti-establishment" or anti-psychiatry. Like scientologists. They're a pack of morons who are just competing with psychiatrists looking for vulnerable people to screw.

    Target Jonnson. Get your records and challenge him about every single point, every piece of garbage, and there will be hundreds.

    Take your time reading your records. Prepare and rehearse all your arguments. Anticipate all their possible objections and prepare arguments for those. It could take a few months. You can start early by writing letters of complaint and then later going in person. You will be rebuffed initially but their rebuffs will provide you with information and evidemce. But keep at. They expect most people to quit.

    As you gain experience and improve your arguments it will help if you can find someone fairly competant that you can trust. They don't have to actively assist you or travel with you. They can be just a person that you are keeping "up to speed" with what you are doing. You can use them as a sounding board but you can use them in the event that you need a personal reference. Because as you persist in demanding satisfactory answers from the shrinks they will retaliate by accusing you of escalation of mental illness.

    You may find that increasingly you are inspired by quality literature, movies and writers of real science. Anything written by Richard Dawkins, Cormac McCarthy. Anything recently directed by Clint Eastwood.

  2. We haven't seen you for a while. Hopefully you are busy planning and implementing some dazzlingly effective and mortifying method of redress for these people. You should by now be in possession of a six pack (of abs that is)and have added at least 20 kg to your bench press.

    Or maybe you've just been carted off. Either would be OK. Stick with it and we'll hear fron you soon.

  3. Sorry Rod, I've been up to other things. I'm back now.
