Sunday, 11 April 2010

This is a death treat.

George Galloway is an evil racist fucking cunt. If he had helped me when I begged him to back in 2005 I would never have suffered so much.

Let me state here for all to see: if I ever get the chance, I WILL KILL HIM.

Yes this is a death threat. I call for the government to put me on trial and give me a platform to reveal what has been done to me.

All I ever wanted to do was to have earned a living in peace.

UPDATE: 13:30 – 12 April 2010

I am still here. It is a bit disappointing; I was expecting the police to be banging on my door this morning. In the past they have gone out of their way to find anything to pin on me to justify my imprisonment. Now I make an explicit threat to kill an MP and they totally ignore it.

Of course this is just an attention getting stunt; I have no intention of carrying out these threats. However, this has never stopped the police from prosecuting people in the past. I want to be put on trial. It is going to be the only way that my case will ever be heard. I want to have a chance to tell everyone just what has been done to me. I don’t have anything left to lose.


  1. OK. I figure you've prepared so as to be able to debunk any of the "mental illness" rubbish. Whilst you and I understand that you are prepared to plead guilty to a criminal offense they may still try to lock you up as an insightless psychopath in a forensic hospital. They may forcibly drug you. Hopefully you've also prepared so that someone you can trust at least lnows whats going on. I'm assuming you'll cooperate if you are locked up in regular remand or prison. Don't cooperate if you are locked up in a forensic psych facility. If so go on hunger strike. Tell them nothing except that you are guilty of uttering threats to kill. If they ask would you carry out the threat say nothing.

  2. Re update 1330. They may still grab you of course, but they may not. What they often do when you provoke them, even by way of a criminal offence, is concoct a story and charge you with something else. It's their way of telling you that the truth doesn't matter. They enjoy it. They even concoct details that an ordinary intelligent person would find implausible and get away with it. You've never worn or owned pink wellies but they'll describe them down to the gum on the sole and the scuff on the right toe. But they might not do that either. For reasons that even you might not know they might not be able to.

    You might find yourself in a position where you can continue to sorely provoke them and be safe from shrinks and any undue process from the cops. If you haven't done so already there's a lot to learn or at least consider from reading Maurice Kirk's site.

  3. Rod, the police, FTAC, Jonsson, et al have already done the fabrication of stories thing.
