Wednesday 11 August 2010

I am still a free man

Well, ‘the authorities’ have been round to ‘take care of me’. I had one and a half (one was a PCSO) coppers, two doctors, and a social worker round at 4:30pm today with a warrant to enter my home and remove me.

After an hours worth of me ranting about how I was abused by ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson; that I have no future; and all I wanted was to be allowed to work, they find that there was no ground to section me and cart me off to Mile End Hospital. So they leave empty handed.

They are going to see if they can arrange for me to have an appointment to with the community heath people to see if the can help. That would be a totally pointless exercise. As far as they may do a fine service to most of the people they deal with; my case is beyond anything they could comprehend.

In the conversation they ask what I need. I tell them that all I want is to be allowed to work; to be treated exactly the same way as every other person in the country.

I point out that there is no prospect of any recovery while the Section III diagnosis stands. It has to be struck down before anything can happen. To achieve that Jonsson has to admit that he has lied. It also requires that I am told the evidence behind the diagnosis. I put it to all of them that asking for a formal statement of the diagnosis and supporting evidence is not an unreasonable request; none of them could retort with a rebuttal. However, it remains the case that I am not allowed this information. The Section III order and the diagnosis are fraudulent and malicious; that is why East London Foundation Trust will not answer the question.

I asked if I can have a meeting with everyone. That is MP’s, FTAC, NHS, DWP, Police, etc and let me present the full timeline of what happened, how I made every effort to live and work as a normal person, and how each of them has screwed up my life. Loads of shrugged shoulders; it is totally beyond all of them.

All that I am likely to get is one or two short “talking therapy” sessions over a period of a year and the recommendation that I take some form of medication. None of these will solve my problem, or ever recognise the fact that the cause was corruption within the previous Labour government.

There is no possibility of improvement until it is acknowledge that I am a victim of crime and that all the abuse that has been inflicted upon me is corrected. That is never going to happen. As we all know, all governments and their servants have a perfection that exceeds the divine. What is beyond me is that despite clear evidence that supports everything I say, none of these so-called professionals will ever entertain the concept that I might be right and what they are doing is morally wrong if not illegal.

As always: All I ever wanted to do was to have earned a living in peace.

Update 19 Aug 14:20

I have just had an entertaining telephone call from the council repair service. “We are calling about your recent repair of ‘replace lock and door after forced entry’”

It looks like the cheeky bastards had put in a request for repair before even turning up at my flat. This really shows the evil mentality of these people.


  1. Well, that is at least one little battle you have won. You have to keep strong, to marshal your forces and NEVER GIVE IN.

    You are an inspiration to us - we need you, and you WILL prevail.

    Thoughts, prayers and good wishes, as always. God bless and keep you.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Hedgehog.

    However, the quest for justice has failed. Now I need to move on and now the quest is for vengeance.

    As I said in a reply on another blog, I have learned a lot from FTAC Watch so this new dance will be far more entertaining.

    I would far rather put my time and efforts into something more beneficial to the economy, but that is not allowed.

    Nobody should worry because all the knowledge, skills, and creative ability that I have amassed over the last half-centenary are just a delusion according to ‘doctor’ Ferdinand Jonsson.

  3. Vengeance doesn't necessarily pose an insoluble moral dilemma. It may be illegal but it can be a perfectly logical and reasoned act regardless of what the good christian folk and other moralists might say.

    Let's imagine that I have been falsely and recklessly diagnosed by a particular psychiatrist. When confronted with the paucity of any evidence to support such a diagnosis he lies and concocts more false evidence. There can be no question that he has any special ability or training and is in fact arriving at a correct diagnosis, he is simply lying like a nasty little girl.

    Let's say the situation leaves me unemployable and over time increases my poverty and hardships. This is also places me at greater risk of injury, illness, harassment by police and other scum with whom I may have to live in proximity. Since I'd have no recent references decent employment becomes impossible. Try telling a prospective employer that you have been falsely diagnosed with a mental illness. They won't touch you with a pole.

    However... I can improve my situation if I smash this psychiatrist's face in. I do sufficient damage such that no-one will ever forget. When they come for me I tell them that I did it and that I did it to improve my situation. That I also happened to hate his guts is neither here nor there, it just made it easier for me to do the reasonable thing.

    I would never again have to explain my situation as having resulted from being diagnosed with a mental illness. I would say that my situation was the result of having smashed a man's face in. If the discussion continues it's because the other person is asking. Not me having to tell them. The difference is huge.

    If I'm around 50 and sensible, I'll be fine in gaol. When I get out I tell the truth like always and get a job.

  4. Rod, although smashing someone’s face in would be personally satisfying it is not what I have in mind. Direct physical injury, or even the treat of it, would make it easy for anyone wishing to charge me with an offence.

    What I have in progress is far more subtle than that and far, far more damaging to a great number of people. What is more, they will not be able to charge me with anything.

  5. In medicine there is the concept, "number needed to treat". For example physicians might treat 1000 people with statin drugs and claim, by virtue of epidemiological studies, they are saving say 3.2 lives a year. The claims are weak and it could be shown that statins cause more costs in morbidity and money than they save.

    The same kind of thinking is applied to the coercive treatment of so called mental illness. And likewise the claims are dubious. What we do know is that every single coercively treated patient objects to and is damaged by their treatment. And the shrinks understand this perfectly. They're doctors for chrissakes. They know better than anyone that their treatment is bogus. The best they can say is that a person who is tranked and impoverished is less likely to be able to get it together to kill anyone.

    The shrinks know that when they cast their net that they will be snaring people who have never had any thought of suicide or murder. They also know that that having undergone the life wrecking mistreatment and humiliation that treatment entails that some of these peoples' thoughts will turn to murder and suicide for the first time in their lives. And the shrinks know that the subjects of these murderous thoughts will be themselves.

    So in summary, the shrinks know that there are people attending their clinics that have a perfectly logical reason to want to kill them. They try to pretend that they are ignorant of this but they know it to be the case.

    I had a counterpart to your Jonnson. I told him one day in his office that if he was to push me I'd push him back. He didn't consider that unreasonable. I told him that if he was to do it, and then do it again, I'd knock him down. I then told him that if he was to then get up and leap at me that I'd knock him down and break his face. He didn't like the conversation but he couldn't fault the logic. And since he's in the business of supposedly containing serious threat and a physician to boot he can hardly claim to be too delicate and squeamish to have such a conversation.

    I then told him that if he was to use the conversation we had just had as a pretext for having me drugged, ie that he had me drugged for no other reason than that he could, that a situation could easily arise such that the sensible thing for me to do would be to kill him or leave him in a worse state. He again couldn't fault the logic but naturally had no answer. And of course I know that he then has no choice but to silently formulate plans to charge me with making threats to kill. So I tell him I know he's doing this and sure enough he's taken out restraint orders and laid false charges of breach of intervention order, defamation, threats to kill yada yada yada.

    The guy's an imbecile but he can't stop himself because he's a blockhead.

    So I understand that much of what is in this blog is designed to lawfully and in an ethical manner provoke and force the colours of people who should have been kicked out of medical school. People I wouldn't employ to cut my lawn.
